GATOR Scholarship
The Louisiana’s School Choice Initiative was passed into law in June 2024 as the Louisiana Giving All True Opportunity to Rise (LA GATOR) Program. LCA anticipates accepting LA GATOR funds for those families who qualify, as the program could be a significant benefit to current and future LCA families.
The FAQ below does not fully answer all questions, but it should assist families in considering how LA GATOR may impact their financial situation. It is based on the most current information and will be updated as more information becomes available. Please visit the Louisiana Department of Education website for the most up-to-date information, including specific details on eligibility and application instructions.
About the GATOR Scholarship
What is LA GATOR (Louisiana Giving All True Opportunity to Rise)?
LA GATOR is the Louisiana school choice legislation that allows qualifying families to use state education funds for private school education. As it is currently written, LCA will not have to compromise its mission, admissions, hiring, curriculum, or testing policies in order to participate.
The LA GATOR bill established a framework for education savings accounts (ESAs), which may be used by eligible families to cover tuition, fees, and other qualified education expenses at accredited nonpublic schools in Louisiana. The Louisiana legislature has not yet determined funding levels for LA GATOR.
What is LCA committed to?
Will remain faithful to the Christian mission and vision of the school.
Will continue with high academic standards and require families to be a good mission fit with the school.
Will accept LA GATOR funds as a means of supporting/partnering with current and future families who will receive funding.
Will not compromise mission, values, academic or admissions standards in any way due to receiving LA GATOR funds
Will pray for wisdom and accurate information to make decisions that will further enhance the kingdom at LCA.
Will pray for current and future families to receive this benefit, knowing the current economic landscape.
Who can take advantage of LA GATOR according to the state?
Information provided according to the Louisiana Department of Education: https://louisianabelieves.com/schools/la-gator-scholarship-program
Although LA GATOR is referred to as “universal” school choice, it is a phased in program and only qualifying families will be eligible in the first few years.
In year one (‘25-’26) only families who fall under 250% of federal poverty guidelines OR students going into Kindergarten OR families moving from public school to private school will qualify and possibly receive funding.
In year two (‘26-’27) only families who fall under 400% of federal poverty guidelines will also be eligible OR students entering Kindergarten, OR students who attended public school the year prior.
In year three (‘27-’28) “all” families will be eligible to qualify but if funding is limited, priority will be given to families under 250% of the federal poverty guidelines and students with exceptionalities. *see below for federal poverty guidelines information.
Will any strings be attached if LCA accepts LA GATOR funds?
As it is currently written, LA GATOR legislation does not require LCA to change its admissions policies, hiring policies, curriculum, or teaching.
LA GATOR also does not require LCA to do specific testing beyond what is already done - annually administering the nationally-normed Iowa Test of Basic Skills.
Schools participating in LA GATOR must apply annually for approval from the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) and comply with Brumfield v. Dodd, a federal court order that prohibits discrimination. LCA has already met the necessary requirements for participation.
Will Lakeside Christian Academy accept LA GATOR scholarships?
LCA has carefully and prayerfully followed and examined LA GATOR legislation, and we believe accepting LA GATOR scholarships may greatly assist current and future LCA families with affording an excellent Christian education at LCA.
How much funding will LA GATOR provide for families who qualify?
The amount of funding for qualifying families will depend on a number of factors and is impossible to predict at this time.
LA GATOR legislation prioritizes families who meet certain federal poverty guidelines and who have students with special learning needs.
How will LA GATOR funding affect LCA need-based financial aid?
LA GATOR funding will be applied before calculating LCA need-based financial aid and will ultimately benefit families who qualify for financial aid while also assisting LCA in providing need-based financial aid.
Will LA GATOR funding affect other scholarships my family receives?
Like all outside scholarships, LA GATOR funding will be applied to a family’s tuition calculation before any additional need-based financial aid or discounts are considered. LA GATOR funds cannot be combined with other tax credit scholarship programs, such as the ACE and Arete Scholarship Programs. Families who qualify for LA GATOR should still apply for the ACE or Arete scholarships, as there is no guarantee that LA GATOR funding will be available for all eligible students before the funds are exhausted
Will LA GATOR affect enrollment growth at LCA?
While LA GATOR may make LCA affordable for more families, the program will likely not impact overall enrollment without significant campus additions or expansion, which is not currently planned.
Will LA GATOR impact tuition at LCA?
LA GATOR will not impact LCA's traditional strategy to develop a conservative, balanced budget each year which includes tuition increases to provide for operational and strategic improvements. The Executive Board is committed to fiscal conservatism which will preserve the long term viability of the institution and its ability to provide excellent Christian education for decades to come. LA GATOR will have no impact on LCA’s planning process but it may provide significant help for LCA families in paying tuition.
What are the “Federal Poverty Guidelines” that help determine eligibility?
Federal poverty guidelines are determined by the Federal Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and adjusted annually. Those guidelines can be found here: https://aspe.hhs.gov/topics/poverty-economic-mobility/poverty-guidelines
NCS has calculated 250% and 400% of 2024 household income thresholds for a number of family sizes for general reference:
A family of four: 250% = under $78,000 and 400% = under $124,800
A family of five: 250% = under $91,450 and 400% = under $146,320
A family of six: 250% = under $104,900 and 400% = under $167,840
A family of seven: 250% = 118,350 and 400% = under $189,360